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Media Coverage
Clay Today - (Dec. 12, 2024) - Orange Park High alumni celebrate the Einstein A Go-Go era with new book

The Beaches Leader - New book celebrates legendary Einstein A Go-Go (Aug. 29, 2024)

Jax Today Arts Picks (Aug. 29, 2024)

Cr8Jax Weekly Events List (Aug. 29, 2024)

Musician Memories
These acts that played Einstein's have enjoyed the book.
Kilkenny Cats
Steve Gorman (Mr. Crowes Garden and The Black Crowes)
Readers Reviews
What folks are saying on Amazon about the book.
"A beautiful account of a legendary club. If you ever went to EAGG, you know this place was about the music and this little club on Jax Beach had the absolute best bands play there. The crowd was cool and the owners treated you like family. All of this is illustrated in this book. Even if you've never been to Einsteins, you will appreciate this book solely for the insightful stories of the bands that played. This is not one person's account, rather a collective story of a place many hold dear. Well done!" - Melissa V.
"I love everything about this book. From someone that went to shows and danced on the dance floor there many nights during high school, college, and into my 20s, it acts as a yearbook. Full of photos of the era, the style, and stories about the bands that played. Anyone, including those that missed the chance to attend, can enjoy this book. Beautifully written, collaborated, and authentic. Quotes from so many VIPs make it special enough to live on my coffee table forever." -Marti & Drew
"This book expertly captures a time and a place that I think many people in small towns in the 1980s would have loved to be a part of. This tiny club in Jacksonville Beach Florida brought in amazing bands, created a community, and left a lasting impact on the culture. I really enjoyed reading the personal stories and reflections from musical artists." - Jess B.
"As a part of my teenage years, Einstein's was a second home. The book brought back all of those memories in full force - the music, the dancing, the bands, the people, the culture... If I hadn't been involved in the community, I still believe the book would hold up as a solid chronicle of the culture in it's time. The authors did a wonderful job of bringing all of it to life. Thank you to all of your efforts! You've brought our memories and our youth to print in a way that I never thought would be possible. I didn't have a camera back then, so to see it all in black in white in a book is a treat to say the least." - J. Lasala